Friday, May 31, 2013

Google Chrome Extension Silencer Helps Facebook, Twitter Users Avoid Spoilers

Google Chrome users: Do you have Facebook friends that ignore your pleas to not reveal spoilers about your favorite television shows? Silencer may be worth investigating.
Silencer is a browser plugin that enables users to add terms, phrases, names, or hashtags that they don’t want to read about, and it will hide content that fits those criteria from users’ Facebook News Feeds and Twitter streams.
The description of Silencer on the Chrome Web Store reads:
Silencer lets you mute and filter any content you want out of your Twitter stream or Facebook News Feed.
Avoid TV show or sports spoilers. Block people that you can’t unfollow but aren’t really interested in anymore. Take back the Internet on your terms!
Introducing Mute Packs! Mute dozens of terms from “Game of Thrones,” “Mad Men,” or “Arrested Development” instantly with one click!
Mute terms, phrases, people or hashtags quickly and easily.
Chrome users: Do you have Facebook friends who are prompting you to consider Silencer?

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