Thursday, August 7, 2014

Top Foods to Make You Happy

It is common knowledge that stress remains the biggest healthcare challenge for most people. From teenagers to those in their retirement years, everyone seems to struggle with low mood or feeling anxious at some point. Contemporary lifestyles are hard to tackle and we need simple, safe measures to deal with it. Rather than using mood-elevating pills, using food as a therapy for keeping yourself happier seems like a wiser choice. Here, look at some of the foods, which are capable of uplifting our spirits.

1.Start your day with milk
Milk is among the few natural foods that contain an absorbable form of tryptophan, which helps to raise serotonin levels. Milk is enriched with many antioxidants that help to neutralise the damaging action of free radicals on the neurotransmitters of the brain. Milk also contains vitamins B12 and D that are required for fighting away stress. Using low-fat milk is suggested to control your daily intake of dietary fat.
Start your day with milk

2.Take a few bites of dark chocolate
There is a major difference between sugar-loaded milk chocolates that we commonly find and the cocoa-rich dark chocolates. A few bites of dark chocolate helps to make us feel good, instantly. Along with the minimal amount of sugar found in dark chocolates, cocoa creates the perfect concoction for keeping you energetic. Theobromine and phenylethylamine (PEA) are the two main biochemicals found in dark chocolate that tend to induce a feeling of goodness. They help to raise the release of endorphins or the feel-good neurochemicalsin our brain.
Take a few bites of dark chocolate

3.Eat a small amount of nuts
Nuts, particularly walnuts and almonds, are recommended for their overall nutritive quality and their contribution to help us feel better. Nuts are rich in rare minerals like selenium and omega 3 fatty acids that are needed for the brain to counter stress. Omega-3 fatty acids are often grouped under “brain foods” since they are required to keep your brain healthy and stress-free.
Eat a small amount of nuts

4.The humble banana
Bananas are among the richest sources of complex carbohydrates. Unlike, synthetic or artificial sugar that tends to raise the blood sugar levels instantly, bananas help to sustain the feeling of being energised for a longer period. Synthetic sugar spikes fall down rather soon, inducing hunger pangs and a low feeling. Bananas are fortified with tryptophan. This critical peptide is needed for creating serotonin- commonly referred to as the ‘feel-good hormone’.
The humble banana

5.Ensure sufficient folate
Along with vitamin B12, folic acid is among the most critical of B-family vitamins that are used for fighting stress. Folate or folic acid is often prescribed along with antidepressants, underlining how important they are for sustaining a happier state-of-mind. To increase your intake of folate, eat more of whole-grain items including multi-grain breads and pastas, a variety of lentils, soy products, beetroot, oatmeal and mustard greens.
Ensure sufficient folate

6.Cup of coffee helps
Caffeine is counted among the most mood-elevating beverages. The high caffeine content of coffee is responsible for its mood-uplifting abilities. Caffeine is also the hidden content in dark chocolate and among many aerated drinks. However, an overload of caffeine can leave you jittery and anxious. So ensure, daily-but-minimal intake of coffee. Further, excessive caffeine can get you addicted to the “caffeine rush”, which some folks believe is as powerful as the feeling nicotine induces.
Cup of coffee helps

7.Grapes and Oranges
Grapes and oranges are the most recommended from the perspective of keeping us happier. Grapes are high in vitamin C and natural sugars, potassium and antioxidants like polyphenols. Oranges contain high concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants like flavonoids. Vitamin C is an integral ingredient for synthesising serotonin.
Grapes and Oranges


Please Remember: There is a significant difference between snacking lightly to feel good and trying to fill a void in your life with food. The latter refers to ‘Emotional Eating’ that we don’t intend to encourage via this article. The idea here is to discuss foods that should be chosen as a part of your regular, average diet to contribute towards keeping you in a happier state-of-mind.

5 Easy Ways to De-stress in 5 Minutes

-----Your plan for the day is falling flat on its face, your inbox is shouting out with pending work, your children are crying for your attention, and you don’t remember the last time when you slept like a log. Well, all of us have our share of stress that can hit us any time. But how do we stand up to it? Here is a list of simple de-stressing techniques, which will help you to come out of that negative state of mind in just 5 minutes. So, begin the countdown!

1.Call a friend
Most of us are so caught up with our busy lives, that we prefer texting over calling. But, when in stress, it is always a good idea to pick up the phone and call up your friend. Just vent out whatever is floating in your mind and heart. Believe us, this will make you feel so light and fresh.
So, the next time you find yourself stressed out, leave your work station, call your best buddy and take that weight off your chest. Within 5 minutes you will be able to get things in perspective.
Call a friend

2.Stretch your limbs
If you sit for long you tend to feel a tension brewing around your neck and lower back. Physical tension is a major reason for mental stress. One of the easiest and quickest remedy is stretching. Try stretching your limbs and you will realise how relaxing it can be. So, next time you feel the pressure of the work getting to you, simply get up, stretch your arms and legs, move your neck around a few times and close your eyes for two minutes. This will release tension from your mind and body.
Stretch your limbs

3.Visualise to clear your head
Most of the times, our mind tricks us into creating a web of stress inducing situations. So, it is a good idea to deceive your mind to believe that the there is no panic or stress. Sit down at a secluded spot and imagine yourself to be in a place of your choice. Find your happy place- it could be mountains, parks, beaches or a place familiar to you. Try to acknowledge the beauty around you and release all your worries. This will heal you in 5 minutes and get you going for the rest of the day.
Visualise to clear your head

4.Play music in loop
If you love music then you ought to have faith in its healing powers as well. Whenever you want to iron-out those creases from your forehead, listen to the genre of music you love most. It can be classical, jazz, instrumental, RnB or psychedelic. Music will put your mind to peace. It will also allow you to think more clearly. Try to keep your music library updated and carry your mp3 player with you. So, do we hear you play your favourite song streaming, already?
Play music in loop

5.Go out for a walk
A 5 minute walk can work wonderfully on your stress. When you feel overwhelmed by the situation, just take a quick walk around. As you take the walk, don’t leave your mind in an auto-pilot mode, instead learn to exercise control over it. In no time will you see your troubles melt before you. Appreciate the present and stop concentrating on the uncertainty of the future. A walk will not only help in stress management, but also boost the happy hormones– endorphins. That will make you feel good for the rest of the day!
Go out for a walk