Facebook updates PMD policies - Facebook added four new sections to its Preferred Marketing Developer policy page this week, including a new rule about comparing Facebook ads to ads from other channels. If using last-click attribution, PMDs must create separate reporting tools for comparing search marketing and Facebook ads. Additionally, Facebook made it mandatory for Ads API companies to provide PMD Team members with login credentials upon request, and noted that advertising apps need separate App IDs for self-service, managed service and white-labeled apps. The company also made it clear that it reserves the right to grant or remove access to the platform or program at its sole discretion.
Facebook announces innovations in hardware design – Facebook revealed a number of advances in data center hardware design at its Open Compute Summit on Wednesday. Facebook contributed a new architecture specification for motherboards. This specification nicknamed “Group Hug” can be produce motherboards that are completely vendor-neutral. This disaggregation could improve efficiency in data center construction and operation.
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