Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Getting Started

Using Facebook on your Website allows you to create a more personalized, social experience using Social Plugins such as the Like Button and simplify your registration and sign-in process using Login Button and Registration Plugin
Facebook Platform makes iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android and Mobile Web apps social. Use Single Sign-On to access the user's social graph (without yet another username/password) and create a personalized experience.
Building an app on Facebook gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate into our core user experience. Use the native functionality of Facebook such as Requests and Bookmarks to create an ideal social space for your users.

Core Concepts

Social Design
The Social Design Guidelines helps you understand why you should build great social experiences as well as how to use Facebook Platform effectively to create them.
Social Plugins
Social Plugins enable you to provide engaging social experiences to your users with just a line of HTML without the need for the viewer to have signed into your site.
Open Graph protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables you to integrate your pages into the social graph. These pages gain the functionality of other graph objects including profile links and stream updates.
Social Channels
Facebook Platform lets you integrate with social channels such as News Feed and Requests to help you drive growth and engagement with your app, site or content.
Facebook authentication enables your app to interact with the Graph API on behalf of Facebook users and provides a powerful single-sign on mechanism across Web, mobile, and desktop apps.
Graph API
The Graph API is the core of Facebook Platform, enabling you to read and write data to Facebook. It provides a simple and consistent view of the social graph.

Advanced Topics

Dialogs provide a simple, consistent interface to display dialogs to users. Dialogs do not require special user permissions because they require user interaction.
Facebook Query Language, or FQL, enables you to use a SQL-style interface to query the data exposed by the Graph API.
Internationalization API
Take advantage of our community Translations framework, which has helped Facebook be available in over 70 languages, to translate your app or website.
Facebook Credits is a payment system that offers a safe, easy and fast way to pay for digital and virtual goods in games and apps across Facebook.
The Facebook Ads API lets you create and manage your own ads on Facebook programmatically, without using the Facebook Advertising Manager tool.
Chat API
You can integrate Facebook Chat into your Web-based, desktop, or mobile instant messaging products. Your instant messaging client connects to Facebook Chat via the Jabber/XMPP service.
Legacy APIs
REST API, FBML, and the old Javascript API are legacy APIs that we are in the process of deprecating. Please use Graph API, JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins instead.

SDK & Tools

JavaScript SDK
The JavaScript SDK enables you to access features of the Graph API and Dialogs via JavaScript. It provides rich client-side functionality for authentication and rendering Social Plugins.
The iOS SDK provides Facebook Platform support for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch apps. You can utilize single-sign-on, call the Graph API and display Platform Dialogs.
Android SDK
The Android SDK provides Facebook Platform support for Android apps. You can utilize single-sign-on, call the Graph API and display Platform Dialogs.
This SDK provides Facebook Platform support to your PHP-based web apps. This library helps you add Facebook Login and Graph API support to your Website.
Developer App, Insights Dashboard, Graph API explorer, JavaScript Test Console , Test Users, URL Linter are some of the many tools we provide to help you develop, test and monitor your app.

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